"El crit de la bruixa a mitjanit
una orella a terra
l'altra a l'infinit"
(Escultura de Pia Crozet: poema de Josep Tarrés)
Bueno, veamos si me sale alguna cosa digna de leerse en relación a la fecha de ayer tan curiosa. Curioso como soy me acerco timidamente a la tradición de la cábala fonética y más cauteloso a la numérica. Me parece muy imposible abarcar todas las tradiciones a la vez y alguas han ido quedando para la segunda etapa de mi vida. esta parece que ha empezado y me toca pasearme por antiguas piedras que hablan de lo que fué y tal vez de lo que será. parece que no es broma eso de ser hijo de la diaspora, casi sin querer aprendo y com-prendo (prender-con como decia Antonio Blay) de manera experiencial una tradición que me resultaba ajena hasta el momento dado.Azaroso fatus que siempre me ha llevado a andar por un camino en el que por suerte he encontrado caminantes mas experimentados que me han enseñado a subir montañas dificiles, pasear caminos abruptos,navegar entre fuertes oleajes,cruzar espesos bosques de noche , saltar abismos y atravesar desiertos. Un camino en el que la realidad se muestra fantástica y esto no significa que sea siempre maravillosa o comoda. La realidad fantastica simplemente es para aquel o aquella que no solo mira sinó que observa.
Y es que estoy persuadido que el realismo fantástico se presenta en la interacción con la realidad derivada de una ferrea voluntad sostenida de querer aprender y de poner en práctica lo aprendido.
Aquellas informaciones ajenas a tu realidad cotidiana son una simple masturbación, a veces tan placentera como esteril. entiendo que uno debe aprender sobre aquello que le es más cercano.En otras palabras si lo que tienes es una moto para ir por la vida de que te sirve hacer un curso de aeronáutica.
Entiendo que alguien quiera forzar la velocidad de su busqueda pero, como alguien me dijo una vez, no hay atajos.De que sirve intentar salvar el mundo haciendo una meditación global si en tu casa tienes problemas domésticos o eres incapaz de repartir amabilidad continuamente entre tus vecinos.
Con esto quiero decir que si te ha tocado nacer en un lugar determinado es ahí donde debes buscar tus referencias para caminar, no en la otra punta del planeta. Qué imbecilidad es esa! Abramos los ojos a lo que nos es cercano, a quien nos es cercano y dejémonos de exotismos poco practicos porque al final me temo que volveremos al lugar de partida, como Ulyses.
Ayer , fecha señalada me di una vuelta por unas cuantas piedras de distintas tradiciones pero muy cercanas entre ellas.Quise estar en un espacio simbólico para oir el grito sordo de la bruja del jardin. Escuche el tañir de las campanas y me orienté al Canigó atento a si se abria un portal especial o espacial, y nada. Miles de páginas hablando de este dia tan especial y al final me encontre con mi propio silencio. Ya es algo.
El 21 llegara el fin de un calendario, o tal vez de más de uno...que esperamos un portal rollo "Stargate" donde aparezcan los lagartijos civilizadores o tal vez un pliegue dimensional rollo agujero de gusano que nos ponga en contacto con una nueva dimensión. Y mientrastanto seguimos con problemas con los vecinos o peor con tu propia familia. Por favor cuanta idiotez. Lo que se sabe se hace lo que no se sabe se enseña. Para poder enseñar primero se tiene que saber hacer, y es por eso que me revientan algunas revistas y blogs o webs donde expresan ideas sobre realidades inaprensibles y no aprendidas nunca por sus autores.
Estoy harto hasta la nausea de ver como el personal traga con espantosos vomitos mal digeridos pensado que comen maná. Tal vez seria mejor que se bebiesen su propia orina.
Vivimos en una simulación de iluminación promovida y dirigida que en realidad nos aleja de la posibilidad de a-prender (cojer-asumir) nuestra realidad. Si buscas refencias buscalas dentro de ti y contrastalas en tu realidad cotidiana. Anda solo o adocenate en el tren de borregos de la nueva era.
Si no fuese tan serio el tema me moriria de risa cuando oigo hablar al personal de iluminacion despues de 4 meses de practicar eses pilates oriental llamado Ashtanga yoga. Seamos serios y no nos pensemos como maestros de nada. Un poco de humildad es necesaria para ver algunos prodigios y para poder identificar quién sabe más que tu.
Me decia un amigo muy formado y preparado a mi entender:
"Ahora con dos cursitos corriendo a montar un chiringuito de desarrollo personal y yo que llevo tanto tiempo como tu estudiando y formandome me estoy quedando sin clientes; todo el mundo se ha iluminado y ya no hago falta".
Es cierto que se ha despertado un interés sobre el desarrollo personal la espiritualidad , la ecologia eso es bueno, tal vez no seamos necesarios de esa manera. Deberemos encontrar (que no buscar) una alternativa de acción.Siempre han habido idiotas llenos de si mismo que no dejan espacio a nada que no sean ellos y su propia enajenación pero también hay personas honestas que hacen las cosas bién y de corazon y no pueden ser reprobadas por no necesitarte como antes o como te gustaria. Elimina el deseo amigo -concluí mientras rompia un hielo con los dientes.
El llamado cambió de paradigma tiene algo de social y no solo espiritual. Acercaros si os apetece al trabajo de Ken Wilber y su psicologia integral. Tal vez algo se mueva en la conciencia humana. Tal vez se está activando los antaño llamados genes basura y tal vez el reloj cósmico nos prepara para un campanazo el dia 21/12. En cualquier caso solo lo sabremos un poco a partir del 22/12.
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Online Games are enjoyed by a variety of people. People enjoy computer games for a variety of purposes including losing weight and relaxation. Figure out how you can have the best time gaming by using the article that follows.
Try downloading a game demo prior to purchasing the actual game so that you can determine if you're going to enjoy it. Previewing a game can help you see whether you wish to buy the full version or not. Be careful, though, where you download the game from. Only download from a well-known site to avoid problems with your computer.
Some gaming titles are geared towards education. Consider these educational titles for children, and avoid those with questionable content. Do some online research for game reviews from other parents. This is a way that you can find games not only appropriate for your children, but even fun and educational for them too!
Limit cheat codes for games requiring skill to play. This is something that you will want to avoid, as it defeats the purpose of the game itself. Some cheats can ruin your whole game but sports related codes are the exception - they enhance the experience.
Many games provide an online site which tells you whether your computer meets the minimum requirements for the game. First you download it, then this unique page runs you through some tests to see if you meet gaming requirements. If you don't like downloading things, bear in mind that you could just get the information and then delete the download.
It can be helpful to play a trial version of a game you are unsure about purchasing. These computer game trials are extremely helpful in helping you determine if you want to spend your hard earned cash on a game. If you the trial of a certain game, try buying the full version.
Post ads online in order to sell your older video games. Use auction sites like eBay as the last place to sell. Shipment and payment issues can make sites like those a real hassle. Try ads with Facebook and Craigslist first.
Sequels don't always suck. Game sequels are usually better than the original games. To get some background material about the story, just read the box. As well, you can find intelligence about the initial game by reading the reviews about it online.
Chat functions ought to be disabled entirely when young kids are involved. No younger child should have this type of communication. If you're not able to disable chat features on a game, don't purchase that game at all. Speak with someone familiar with the game before making a purchase.
It can be tempting to go all out buying expansion packs, add-ons and upgrades for your new game. This can get very pricey! Instead, be disciplined with your spending. Check out what you've got in the game you bought and only add on what you can afford.
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
No matter if you need to boost your grades, manage people and products, or get back at an enemy in the dark, video games can truly make it happen! Put the recommendations and tricks of this article to good use in your world of gaming today.
From improving your grades in school to your play on the soccer field to just kicking back and having a good time, computer games have so much to offer! In this article, we share ideas to help you find great games and rise in your gaming levels.
Don't let gaming consume your life. Too much online gaming can be unhealthy. You need to be sure that you do other activities too. Online Games can be addictive, so just make sure that you moderate your usage.
Instead of a computer, try a regular gaming system system for your kids gaming pleasure. It is easier to control things like privacy and content on a system than it is on a PC. They may have a much more protected experience with a playstation.
You may want to make an area in the basement or set aside a room for your kids to play their video games. Computer Games can be extremely loud, and you probably want some peace from time to time. A game room can have a lot of benefits for your family.
There are several websites that you can visit to determine if a game meets certain requirements for the computer. After you download it, it will say whether you have the necessary requirements for that specific game. If you don't like downloading things, bear in mind that you could just get the information and then delete the download.
Ask for suggestions from the game store employees about games you will like. A lot of people like different kinds of online games, you should look to branch out. You will find that the clerks can offer a variety of recommendations that you can enjoy for many happy gaming hours.
When playing online games, remember to exercise your arms and legs periodically. It's not good to sit doing the same thing for long periods of time. Additionally, if you sit immobile for long periods of times, you will get cramps and perhaps even blood clots. This is for your health.
If you only play one or two genres of games, think about branching out. Most people tend to play just one kind of game. Trying out all sorts of online games makes it a lot of fun and a very rewarding experience.
The PS2 is 12 years old and kind of outdated, but the one thing it has going for it is that it is very cheap. The games for this system are about half the prices of Xbox and PS3 games. There are also many more games available.
Try playing video games as a way to bond with your children. Gaming together is a fun and inexpensive way to get in some family time. It can also allow you to ensure that your kids aren't playing inappropriate games.
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
Video Games are definitely here to stay. It's a great hobby and can keep your family and you entertained. If gaming sounds like something fun and interesting to you, then heed the advice you learned here, and use it whenever you take up this hobby.
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Siempre es un placer leerte :)
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